Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Is there a DJ in the Bacardi house?

Nice hack on Instagram Stories turn your Instagram Story into a DJ simulator.Search @BacardiUSA and tap the profile to DJ like a pro! Puts a new meaning to Bacardi mixer

Monday, December 12, 2016

Creativity, innovation, and functionality as one

I love design even from an early age I was the kid that had the most colourful clothes, I’m a huge fan of Paul Smith for his creativity. I admired great typographers in the likes of Herb Lubalin, in his simple but fluid design to architecture in Frank Lloyd Wright, who broke the rules with lines and structure that look as modern as they did over 70 year's ago. So when I saw this by a designer called Scott Summit, I gasped, from here I saw something that told a story of each person that had obviously had a very traumatic experience in losing a limb but looking at these designs I couldn’t help admire the design and creation.
Scott used 3D printing technology to create one of a kind artificial limbs for each of the patients. Even more, he allows each patient to bring their own ideas on how they can customize the shape or the design of the prosthetics. Artificial limbs are first and foremost made to function properly, with durability and realism the second and third most important features, but few amputees receive an artificial limb that looks like a work of art. Here I think you’ll all agree the designer has done an amazing job on all counts.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Mind Boggling Content Stats Posted By The Second

The Internet In Real Time

From Visually.

It amazes how far the industry has come for instance our smartphone is millions of times more powerful that all of NASA’s combined computing in 1969, and those boy's got man on the moon! I'm sure you've seen all the info-graphics and how many videos are uploaded on YouTube by the second or how many tweets are sent during the Super Bowl, but as marketeers I think we gloss over these stats as just stats and think WOW and carry-on with adding to the stats But most marketers as in 99.9% of them are going wrong, and wasting marketing budgets by piling them onto the collective social media pyre, because most people don't care, people aren't interested in 'connecting' or 'engaging' you're a bloody washing-up powder or a chewing gum. Wake-up, sit down and think about the dross you are spewing out, just look at this live feed, it's crazy just some of those numbers are just crazy just one example; 'there has been a 1.13 trillion likes pressed since the feature was launched on Facebook' Most branded stuff goes unnoticed, we're just noise, I think the time has come for many brands to rethink their strategy on social media and ask some basic questions like why? how? and what's our longterm outcome? If your response to those questions is 'engaging' then please go and sit in the corner. Ask yourself what does that really mean? For me it's ultimately doing something entertaining, surprising, or worthwhile, all three and you just might even have a 'viral' on your hands I think if more marketeers really thought like this then perhaps they might start increasing that 1% of brands who are doing it right. Otherwise we carry on just been another number and a 'scroll by'

Music Re-imagined

Once in a while, a game-changer comes along, this piece is one of those - well it's not a piece but more a block. How it works; BLOCKS is a modular music studio that lets anyone shape music. Build your instrument as you go and customize a kit, brilliant game changing to creating original music. A mighty hat tip to the team at ROLI pushing innovation, interaction and creativity

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Some problem solvers create even more problems

Sometimes as problem solvers we get wrapped up in our own little world. It could be; over indulgence with a design, we make it way too complicated for the customer to know where to look. Sometimes we're tired, maybe out the night before drinking, and thinking that maybe that last shot should have been the last shot, so you cut corners. Whatever the reason as problem solvers we aren't important, neither is our own little world, what is important is our customers and the challenge they face. Take this example they must have had all massive hangovers surely this can be the only reason. They didn't think about their customer whatsoever, do you really think that your customer is just going to sit their while their mouse charges? The end solution should always be seen through the eyes of the end customer. Problem solved, maybe they could have designed a re-chargeable mouse mat so they could carry on working.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

When a problem becomes the solution

This is just amazing - now here are two inspiring young ladies, they are engineering graduates from the Islamic University of Gaza and they have defied all stereotypes with their design of an affordable new building block made from the rubble of war, and they're about to scale operations for mass production. Subverting a crippling Israeli blockade that makes importing construction materials a demeaning, expensive, and time-consuming process, Majd Mashharawi and Rawan Abddllaht overcame a litany of obstacles to develop their green bricks. Their goal is to help Gaza residents rebuild their homes after three wars in 10 years have left thousands of buildings in ruins. Brilliant beating men at their own game.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Fashion Tech Innovation

BOLT from Thomas Kool Creations on Vimeo.

Bolt is a jacket that lets people carry and charge their various electronics without the need for an outlet Thanks to Amsterdam-based designer Thomas Kool, the Bolt collection merges fashion and function by providing a stylish parka that lets users charge their devices inside the pockets. Apart from the skinny jeans I think this Parka is very Kool

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

This 360-treadmill is the future of virtual reality gaming

Love this - if it means getting the kids of the couch when it comes to gaming this has now gone to the next level.VUE VR Treadmill is a first-of-its-kind active virtual reality motion platform in which your actions in the virtual world are controlled by first-person navigation like walking ,running, creating an unprecedented sense of immersion that cannot be experienced with sitting down. VUE VR Treadmill lets you walk, run, sit and crouch with 360-degree freedom of movement allowing you to control your avatar without restraints.

Customers With Even More Power

Interesting to see how yet again more evidence that the customer is taking ownership and more control from brands, I love this idea as you can see where the clothes and products you are buying are sound ethically, this is something I have always struggled with when shopping offline or online - in do we really know how a product has been manufactured? Well now you can thanks to co founders of DoneGood Cullen Schwarz and Scott Jacobson who developed this chrome extension
As you browse, DoneGood will tell you that there's a better option that fits your buying criteria, like a union factory or a woman-owned company. A Google search for "men's dress shirts" yields a list of ads and results from the most expected brands. But if you install a new Chrome extension called DoneGood, you'll also get a lesser-known suggestion: 'Tuckerman, a startup that makes organic cotton shirts in a union factory in Massachusetts'. This approach really benefits the SME businesses who are making products of high quality and managed correctly in treating their staff etc. In this instance the company DoneGood, very clever and something that is really useful for shoppers, I love the fact that the internet gives the power to the customer and can dictate where they spend their money, brands who think they can hide with sub standard working practises will eventually get found out.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Lights, Action, Lights

Latest IKEA from Mother - very simple idea, beautifully shot, location looks like Thamesmead (Seems to be of a director's shooting mecca for edgy urban landscapes) the cast and the music makes the spot complete. If you're wondering who's the track by it's Patrick Watson -Lighthouse - proper old school TV spot that stands out in a dire landscape of TV spots

Friday, October 28, 2016

Great art direction craft is truly an art form

This post is going back to old skool _well I'm listening to some old skool Soul so it seems quite fitting, but I wanted to share as I think it's vital for young art directors, designers or budding photographers the importance of craft. In an age where time is money and money is time and most people have neither this is a great case study in how to save money and time but still create something magically. Step forward Felix Hernandez Rodriguez who was commissioned by Audi to shoot their top of the range sports car retail price at a tidy $200,000 and what does he do? He shoots a toy $40 model of the car.
Now mere mortals would seriously struggle in making this look slick and something that could be used in print in fact even for online we would struggle, but this cat by using props, clever angles and lighting has produced something truly incredible. Now I don't know this photographer but looking at the shots this guy is highly trained and knows how to art direct, it's not just a job title. Not only is he talented but smart too. Could you imagine getting the real car on different locations? I know from experience of working on many car brands just getting the car on set is an issue and when you do, you have a time slot.
It reminded me of a shoot I did for Castrol the concept was a visual of one of those old fashioned chimney sweeps coming out of the exhaust. (Castrol stopped the build-up of soot in your engine apparently) So everything was signed-off and as a young art director everything was planned out, re-sizing my crops etc. But I had over looked one thing; the exhaust was too short so you couldn't fit the sweep in. Slight panic on my face started to appear as I wss in the studio that was charging 10K a day!! The photographer Kevin Summers at the time saw my face of horror and smiled, he went away and then 10 minutes later he returned with a cardboard tube sprayed black - he walked over to the BMW and whacked it on the back, at that point even more look of horror spread across my face, he smiled further and said he would light it and no one would know, I was nervous but he was right. No one ever knew till now. This was a great learning curve in my career, in you must really learn your trade to break the rules, this principle still applies today even in the tech world we live in You can see the full joyous piece here

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Amazing use of 3D printing

How cool is this, somewhere you and kids could visit, making your own cakes but using 3D printing, idessert where you create and select your cake via a touchscreen, and then voila it is then made via 3D printing. Now you can enjoy not just eating cake but watching it been made. More Cake Off than Bake Off.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Amazing Creativity

Chie Hitotsuyama "Paper Trails" - Short Documentary from Ayako Hoshino on Vimeo.

This is incredible and a great back story, here a Japanese paper artist replicates amazing wild animals using intricately bound newspaper. Over the past four years, Hitotsuyama and her team have worked to create lifelike paper creatures with staggering accuracy. After wetting the newspaper, they twist, fold, squish, and roll it, and then bind it into the desired form. The artist builds paper sculptures representing everything from manatees to monkeys, including some endangered animals such as rhinoceros and sea turtles. Hitotsuyama even takes advantage of color-printed newspapers in some sculptures, using the gradations to mimic the animal’s actual coloring. Every inch of every intricately bound animal sculpture is made entirely by hand.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Simple Planning

I'm sure you have seen this visual as it's been around for a while, but it just popped up again on my social feed. I looked at it again and laughed as I always do and then as I thought of it even more, I felt like crying. How can some people be so so stupid? With all their education and degrees in marketing etc how could they not see this? Really even without a bloody degree how could you miss it? Well I think this sums up alot on what's happening at the moment in the industry, trying to be a smart arse and then missing the point completely many blinkered by research data and insights and all the voodoo that goes with it. Just pause and think and look at everything in pure simple terms. They might have degrees coming out of their ears but one degree in this instance that's missing is a degree in common sense.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Offline Community Building

Love where people within their communities help one another, nice little piece here PumpiPumpe is a Swiss initiative that facilitates social interaction and sharing between neighbours.
Simply apply small stickers to your mailbox to display the items that neighbours can borrow from you. How neat is that, very sociable without a tweet insight, mind you I'm not sure what happens if you don't return the borrowed item :+

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Know your true value - especially in business

1998: YAHOO refused to acquire Google for 1M 2002: YAHOO realized its mistake and offered 3B Google requested 5B YAHOO refused. 2008: Microsoft offered 50B to acquire YAHOO YAHOO rejected the offer 2016: YAHOO has been acquired for 5B Current value of Google is around 545B Still amazes me even in business how some top executives under cook or over cook the value of their company, usually with take overs threes plenty of tyre kicking at the start to sound each other out, but I do know of one company who offered 3.1 billion for a competitor, the audit was done over a weekend! That's crazy. Once they looked under the hood did they find it's true value. Back to my point; don't make it personal but look at the figures and weigh up the potential, and make sure the people doing the sums is the right person, if an individual then ask for unbiased feedback or advice from colleagues or people you trust when it comes to business. I remember the old saying nothing personal this is business, I feel Yahoo execs took it personally.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Creativity and Boredom

Reading on the subject of creativity on how it comes about? And why some appear to have it more than others? It's 4am in the morning, my mind was curious and wandering, I wasn't tired more bored which funny enough got me thinking and I then came across this, how spooky. Creativity Have you ever found that it is often when you’re bored, doodling away absentmindedly perhaps, when some of your most perceptive insights arrive, bubbling up unbidden from the depths of your subconscious? Boredom has long been regarded as a prelude to creativity. Consider Friedrich Nietzsche, no less, who wrote that great artists ‘require a lot of boredom if their work is to succeed. For thinkers and all sensitive spirits, boredom is that disagreeable ‘windless calm’ of the soul that precedes a happy voyage and cheerful winds. They have to bear it and must wait for its effect on them’. Indeed, Manfred Kets de Vries has argued that boredom has played a crucial role in many great artistic and scientific breakthroughs For instance, Decartes allegedly ‘discovered’ the notions of x and y while idling in bed watching a fly on the ceiling, while Einstein reportedly achieved the initial pivotal insight into the nature of relativity while boredly daydreaming.
Such anecdotes have been corroborated by recent research. For instance, in experimental studies, it has been found that people induced into a state of boredom perform far better on creativity tests (e.g., thinking of novel uses for plastic cups), compared to participants who are either elated, relaxed or distress. One explanation is that boredom allows attention to wander, and the mind to free-associate, thus facilitating creativity. Indeed, from a neurophysiological perspective, boredom may activate the default mode network, which is thought to play a key role in creativity (e.g., stimulus independent thought)
This is just a piece from an article originally appeared at Psychology Today Tim Lomas, Ph.D., is a lecturer in positive psychology at the University of East London, where he is also the co-program leader for the Masters of Science in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Arduino Is Now Kids Play

I love this, now we can all create working prototypes from scratch without all the geekiness

Monday, September 26, 2016

Marketing Ideas and spooky job titles

Funny thing I noticed recently, and it's this; our industry is now changing not by the year or week it's changing by the day,a quick search today this is what came up; Snapchat glasses, BMW built a power plant from old electric-car batteries, Microsoft puts AI to work in Office 365 I could go on and in that new roles are created and others evolve; for instant job titles; 'digital creative directors' are now becoming 'heads of digital transformation' others too like 'design directors' with a tap of a key command are now; 'product innovation directors'. So what's happening? I think as an industry we are in a state of flux. Don't panic, I've seen 4 major changes so far in my career, we're just in another transition. Many companies trying to find their niche on what to do? What do they stand for? Or as the old school would say; what's our USP? No different of old but now the lines are now blurred for instance we now have cross-over from PR, media into agency land and vice versa, marketing directors becoming an agency planner. It's now not unusual for even creatives going client side working for the likes of Uber and Facebook. I personally think it's great with all this cross over as it shows that companies are in search of the ideas but many muddy the water, they complicate things. As always it's the idea that counts not the title or where you work, that's super exciting for me, is an idea or ideas that truly transform a business which sets them apart either agency or client side. Enjoy the ride. Here's an image I love which made me laugh, when someone asked me when I was working in Australia 'what's the difference between a front end and and a back end developer? I shared this from my image bank. Thankfully these roles never changed.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Everything Can Have An Idea In It

I was on TNW and the usually cookie policy pop-up came up but what caught my eye here on this site was a cute playful neat little idea, WOW someone actually thought of a creative idea rather than the usual bland copy only cookie policy. It gives the site a bit of personality, it's very simple on a loop video, a man is trying to eat a 'cookie' without using his hands, much more fun than the usual. Tip for all young creatives, even with no budget, no time and a boring message you can still get an idea in there, you just need to sit down drink some coffee and perhaps a cookie to crack even the most mundane brief.