Tuesday, May 21, 2019

So few words but says so much

I saw this and it literally stopped me in my tracks, like all good design and creative ideas are suppose to do. (Let’s not discuss BT’s new logo redesign shall we). I do however I love this quote as it’s beautiful clear and to the point. So many people in our industry who over cook briefs and presentations, I wonder why this is? Does it make them feel by rambling it makes them smarter? Here my friends and colleagues is what you must always do; be clear, keep it simple and outline the business objective/opportunity. Simples as a meerkat once said.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

IKEA Game Of Thrones

IKEA does it again. Whatever the medium, no matter what, they can make any space creative. You know too people will take selfies. So this isn’t just a display unit, this is branded viral content. Great stuff #HatTip