Showing posts with label human. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

#Convid19 A Gentle Reminder.

Came across these little beauties from Carl Richards which really struck a cord with me. I'm sure with all of us in these strange and surreal times we look for answers. Without having a meltdown in overthinking I recently returned to my comfort zones a mix between Mr.Kipling Cherry Bakewells and yoga both have helped in equal measure. Perspective and calmness that wonderful balance captured. Thank you Carl for the reality check. #HatTip

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Human Drone Snowboarder

With the help of Samsung and YouTube star Jesse Wellens of the channel PrankvsPrank, Neistat takes flight over a small Finnish ski village wait for a drone. Yes a drone that can actually pull and if needed lift a person off the ground. Good watchable content. While watching it got me thinking, this kit could one day be used in 'search and rescue'. I love tech when we start experimenting.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Creativity and Boredom

Reading on the subject of creativity on how it comes about? And why some appear to have it more than others? It's 4am in the morning, my mind was curious and wandering, I wasn't tired more bored which funny enough got me thinking and I then came across this, how spooky. Creativity Have you ever found that it is often when you’re bored, doodling away absentmindedly perhaps, when some of your most perceptive insights arrive, bubbling up unbidden from the depths of your subconscious? Boredom has long been regarded as a prelude to creativity. Consider Friedrich Nietzsche, no less, who wrote that great artists ‘require a lot of boredom if their work is to succeed. For thinkers and all sensitive spirits, boredom is that disagreeable ‘windless calm’ of the soul that precedes a happy voyage and cheerful winds. They have to bear it and must wait for its effect on them’. Indeed, Manfred Kets de Vries has argued that boredom has played a crucial role in many great artistic and scientific breakthroughs For instance, Decartes allegedly ‘discovered’ the notions of x and y while idling in bed watching a fly on the ceiling, while Einstein reportedly achieved the initial pivotal insight into the nature of relativity while boredly daydreaming.
Such anecdotes have been corroborated by recent research. For instance, in experimental studies, it has been found that people induced into a state of boredom perform far better on creativity tests (e.g., thinking of novel uses for plastic cups), compared to participants who are either elated, relaxed or distress. One explanation is that boredom allows attention to wander, and the mind to free-associate, thus facilitating creativity. Indeed, from a neurophysiological perspective, boredom may activate the default mode network, which is thought to play a key role in creativity (e.g., stimulus independent thought)
This is just a piece from an article originally appeared at Psychology Today Tim Lomas, Ph.D., is a lecturer in positive psychology at the University of East London, where he is also the co-program leader for the Masters of Science in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology.

Friday, January 3, 2014

You're a senstive soul.

Interesting visual social experiment conducted on a group of people around their emotions, visually very insightful especially when you show it as a heat map of their body. The two that really stood out was sadness and happiness they couldn’t be poles apart, when you look at happiness it is the only emotion to show an increase in sensation pretty much across the body while the only one to show no increase in sensation anywhere is depression. So next time you are feeling blue or you say; overall I'm pretty happy, you might have described it to a tee. Happy NY
Here's the full story and links