Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Caples Awards

Caples Awarads was announced last night 13/4/ some really lovely work all announced via Zoom in these strange times but two things that never change and always remain, one, creatives will always have a drink in their hand and the two; there's even more importance in the value of the creative idea, like I said, even more so now. On a side note you might rightly question why do awards while this is going on? Well it was this year free to enter and I think it was good to bring many creatives together from all over the world via Zoom, creatives from Sydney, NZ and LA all coming together, much better I think than some gaff in London, seemed more inclusive. Anyway clients need to be brave, innovate, explore new ways of doing things. Companies regardless of size or sector need to stand-out combined with creating ideas/products/approach that is aligned with the reality of Convid19. Create work as John Hegarty mentioned at the start of the Zoom presentation that all great creative must adhere; be memorable, motivating and truthful. The work tonight I saw some real corkers. />
Help for Heroes really powerful stuff here's another piece that rightly did well for Child Protection Canada 'lollipop' truly shocking without showing distressing images.
Really lovely and brave work by Mars Snickers Snickergate

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Be A Hero. Be Boring.

Love these posters by the designer Noma Bar an Israeli graphic designer, illustrator and artist, based in London. Bar's work has been described as "deceptively simple" yes it is and so beautiful with it. I love in particular as creative people how he plays with us and is such a joyous treat to our visual receptors especially his use of negative space. Great posters with a great message. Job done.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

#Convid19 A Gentle Reminder.

Came across these little beauties from Carl Richards which really struck a cord with me. I'm sure with all of us in these strange and surreal times we look for answers. Without having a meltdown in overthinking I recently returned to my comfort zones a mix between Mr.Kipling Cherry Bakewells and yoga both have helped in equal measure. Perspective and calmness that wonderful balance captured. Thank you Carl for the reality check. #HatTip

Monday, March 9, 2020

Virus becomes Viral

Made me laugh even in dark times. Sometimes laughter is the best cure.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Pain Creatives Constantly Feel

This is a little gem of a video by Ze Frank who dryly asks many questions about our creativity or lack of it. It's long but try to watch till the end as it's beautifully written and his observation on how creative people feel and think on a daily basis is spot-on. In parts it made me feel uncomfortable as the thinking creative side of our brains taunts us and if we don't feed this curious part of our brain, it throws its toys out of its pram and when you call on it; nothing is forthcoming. Creativity is a blessing for us but also in equal measure a curse. I wouldn't have it any other way. Just go with the flow my creative brothers and sisters.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

100% Flaming savage

Any social media folks out there look at what Burger King are doing - love their response and the tone of voice- cheeky and so right for their target audience. #hatTip