Social media is a wonderful thing you can keep in contact with family and friends from afar, make some new ones, make friends you never knew you had and some you'd wish you never came across usually this is through Facebook with a dusting of
YouTube, on the other side of the social media ladder we have the more business side which usually involves
Linkedin and Twitter the same can be said of your business connections, some are worthwhile and good for your network, many are not like headhunters who use you and tap into your network (this is one of the reasons why I booted off most headhunters from my network as it was all one way).
But the question I wanted to ask and something that has happened to me over the last couple of months is that these social media channels are started to merge into one were family now sit happily along side a work colleague or do they? Is my sister in Ireland does she really give an arse if most
Twitter users average age is 39 and are media influencers? The same can be said that a CEO of GSK is he really that interested that my sister in Ireland has had another baby and posted them up on
I'm confused as to weather to keep the two channels separate or not but with Facebook especially it has become more business savvy in it's approach and took Twitter by its word and 'followed' them, what do you think? Do you keep the two channels separate? or as my sister in Ireland would say; Feck who gives an arse!
For me business social media is: >
Twitter >LinkedIn
For pleasure >Skype - Keep in contact with family in Ireland
>Mobile -SMS - ditto
>Private email/MSN Messenger
Business with Pleasure:>