Showing posts with label Sanitarium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sanitarium. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Scratching the hand that feeds you

As you may know or not know I have recently joined an agency called Sputnik they have offices in Melbourne and Sydney, and I will be based in Sydney I've only been here a week but I wanted to share something the guy sitting opposite me emailed me, say hello to Barry Saunders (A UX gun) it was a memo that was written in '58 by Leo Burnett.

Yes it was written in '58 but still holds true today, and in the digital age to me even more so. The reason the connection with joining Sputnik Sydney and this memo from Leo Burnett is; before I joined Sputnik Sydney, I have a Westpac account, my kids eat Weet-Bix and they have done the Weet-bix TRYathon and I use Google apps- and yes they're three of Sputnik Sydney's major clients.

It also reminds me of a time when I worked on Blackmores as their digital CD one of the designers was not a subscriber to the Blackmores database and he was working on their sign up process, the designs looked all very nice but they didn't work, why do I know that? Not because I was their CD but because I was a Blackmores subscriber.

How can you possibly understand your audience if you aren't the audience. FULL MEMO HERE