Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Creative Revolution?

Read a blog on a new start up agency in the UK called The Creative Orchestra yes yet another company banging on about a new way of working with some bullshit bingo terminology we've heard numerous times before but, hang on a second; this outfit might be onto something and to start it up during a recession, only the brave or very stupid would venture to do this, me? I reckon it's the brave and I think it’s also a very wise move on their part, here's why it will work:

• Its aim is to change the way that creative’s are rewarded for their work as well as to bring on a new generation of diverse talent. (Agencies still give away one of their prize commodities, ideas at a drop of a hat.

• It will take on briefs across advertising, branding, design, digital and new product development from commercial and public sector clients and agencies but will not take part in pitches or give ideas away for free to commercial organisations, which it says devalues talent. (See above, how many times do we see companies just 'fishing'? usually for the agency it becomes a very expensive fishing trip).

• Rather than billing clients by time it will charge either by selling ideas in response to a brief or licensing its own ideas. Neat, clients do licensing deals on music, photography, illustration and models so why not for the advertising idea?

• In a recession this model will work as it stream lines the process of the idea to the client.

The founder Chris Arnold believes that Creative Orchestra will become one of the most important sources of new creative talent for the marketing industry within three years.

All well and good but the true test will be how to harness that creative passion and drive around a business model that will flourish for a client and the agency, now that's harmony.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Holey Moley

I came across this site over the weekend it's a collective of over 2,300 photos of Moleskine sketchbooks that are participating in The Sketchbook Project, WOW! I love to see people's work and talent, especially when it's all in the one location. I was only just casually surfing and I ended up being on the site for nearly two hours, 'just one page' I kept saying to myself. The work was great and everyone had their own unique style from pen and ink to watecolour. I did wonder though that the project should have encouraged a lot more conversation between the viewer and the site itself, for example; an ability to rate drawings would be useful or even have a sketch face off between artists, sketch and upload your drawing then another artist has to follow on from there, you could have a whole Moleskine collection of sketch books that could be reprinted and sold. Ahhhh the trusted Moleskine sketchbook unlike my Visa card at the moment 'I never leave home without it' and not only that, everyone knows carrying a Moleskine sketchbook around also has that air of coolness, not that anyone says that but we all know baby.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Research but not as we know it Jim

Came across this the other day, Sodahead which I thought was really good way to reach real people in a way that is against the more traditional and sterile way ideas are judged, the dreaded 6 house wife's from Slough method where you sit behind a two way mirror and see if they like your idea or in most cases not all. They yabber on while sipping free cheap wine all supplied by the research house, don’t get me wrong I love gaining knowledge and understanding what people think but I found this site a better a gauge on what people really think regarding everything from their health to what they think of a particular brand, I’m hooked on this site, reading the responses is shall we say...very insightful.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Icons come to life

I came across this which I just had to share, I love the concept of when something that is so recognizable and iconic as a pedestrian sign ‘man or woman’ comes to life. This project was created by New York artist and costume designer Yvette Helin called the Pedestrian Project which consists of performers wearing entirely black custom- made costumes they’re then put in everyday real situations like shopping or waiting for a bus, the fact they are real and on the street they have a very surreal feel about them, a great simple idea that has a lot of impact. I always knew growing up those signs were watching me as I crossed the road.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Therapy blogging

Yes I think that’s what it is or could it be more, ‘venting your spleen?’ I’ve noticed so many creative’s out in blog-sphere who are really not happy bunnies, moaning about clients, doing ‘shit work’ there’s open warfare between ATL and BTL yes more adland acronyms but for those who don’t know it means: ‘Above The Line’ and ‘Below The Line’ the first been TV and the latter been all the crap that gets shoved through your door (Where digital sits I’m not sure but most of the digital creative guys and gals are commenting on how sad it is to hear about Steve Jobs health but apart from that everything else is so wonderful in TwitterLand.

But reading some of these blogs I do reckon it’s a great way to let of steam and get like minded creative people to agree and fuel the fire that’s raging in their heads, I suppose it's better than the old fashion way of smacking the suit. (Is there an online game for 'Smack the suit' who doesn't sell an idea?) oh it’s so wonderful that we are all sharing the love apart from the ATL and BTL mob but look at what Crispin Porter have gone and done, 'Dump 10 of your mates from Facebook for a BK Whopper', even they’re trying to get the digital scene to turn nasty, right who wants a fight?

AIMIA finalist

I find it amazing what can happen in a day, the up's and down's of modern life, it's a bit like running in Sydney, I've just found out that work we did at Bullseye has been shortlisted at AMIA which is great news the bad news for me is; I had my mountain bike stolen this morning. So it looks like I'll be doing a few my Blackmores challenges on my feet rather than on the bike for a while. I was also at a cracking conference over the last two day's with the Bullseye team which was hosted by Bruce Rasmussen but more on that later.